Hello! If you’re here, you probably already know me — a self-taught artist, graphic designer and musician. What you might not now is I’ve been drawing since I was young, as it was my favorite pastime since my grandma taught me how to hold a pencil. She was the artist in the family, drawing, painting, and knitting nearly all the time.
        I never went to art school so I have yet to explore more complex media. For now my art mostly uses the basics – ink pens, a few brushes and paper. The pieces are self-reflective and inquisitive and offer intimate albeit abstract glimpses into the last two decades of my life.
        The goal of this website is to showcase my art and to offer it to the world – the pieces that are currently available for puchase have an “Inquire” link next to them inviting you to reach out for payment and delivery information. If you are an art lover, a collector or a curator, please get in touch with me via the contact form.
        Thank you!

— Nik Brovkin, 2024

©2024Nik BrovkinOver the Breaks